Enter Emergency Contacts
Campuses can enter the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of people to contact when an individual has an emergency situation.
Step |
Action |
1. |
Enter https://home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu in your browser’s address bar:
2. |
Navigate to: Campus Community > Personal Information (Student) > Biographical (Student) > Emergency Contacts. |
3. |
Enter Search Criteria and click Search. |
4. |
If multiple results are returned, select the appropriate record. |
5. |
If contact information exists, click the Add a row
6. |
Enter the Contact Name. |
7. |
On the Relationship
8. |
If applicable, click the Primary Contact
9. |
If applicable, click either or both of the Same Address as Individual and Same
Phone as Individual
Note: When these boxes are checked, the address and phone information will display below in the Individual’s Current Address box and the Individual’s Phone subsections. |
10. |
Alternatively, use the Edit Address link to enter a different address for this contact. |
11. |
In the Contact Phone section Phone Number field, enter the contact’s phone number in the following format ###/###-####. |
12. |
If applicable, in the Extension field, enter the digits of the extension number. |
13. |
To enter additional emergency contacts in the same manner, click the Add a row icon. |
14. |
Click Save. |
End of Procedure. |