Enter Ethnicity Information
Ethnicity data is used for regulatory state and federal reporting. Institutions may collect more detailed ethnicity information than may be required by state or federal agencies if there is an internal need for this information.
Step |
Action |
1. |
Enter https://home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu in your browser’s address bar:
2. |
Navigate to: Campus Community > Personal Information (Student) >Biographical (Student) > Personal Attributes > Ethnicity. |
3. |
Enter Search Criteria and click Search. |
4. |
If multiple results are returned, select the appropriate record. |
5. |
When applicable, click the Person is Hispanic or Latino
6. |
When the Hispanic or Latino checkbox has been checked, then also from the If Yes,
select Ethnic Group
7. |
If a record already exists in the Ethnicity section and new information must be
entered, click the Add a row
Note: To delete existing ethnicity information (in case of error), click the Delete
a row
Note: Applicants submit non-mandatory information about their Regulatory Region and Ethnic Group. |
8. |
If relevant, then click the Primary and IPEDS
9. |
Enter Percentage Data (%), if desired. |
10. |
Click Save. |
End of Procedure. |