Decedent Data
Record the appropriate administrative information relevant to this component, such as date and place of death and the death certificate number.
When the date of death is recorded on the Decedent Data page, the system displays the word “deceased” on each page related to that individual in the database.
Step |
Action |
1. |
Enter in your browser’s address bar: |
2. |
Navigate to: Campus Community > Personal Information (Student) > Biographical (Student) > Personal Attributes > Decedent Data. |
3. |
Enter Search Criteria and click Search. |
4. |
If multiple results are returned, select the appropriate record. |
5. |
Enter the Date of Death value in the mm/dd/yyyy format. |
6. |
Enter the Place of Death. |
7. |
Enter the Death Certificate Nbr (Number). |
8. |
Click the Save button. |
End of Procedure. |