An event in EMS is comprised of the following:

  • A reservation
  • One or more bookings
  • Booking details

A reservation is the who and the what of an event. For example, Group X (the who) can reserve some space for an Event Y (the what). 

booking is the where and the when of an event. For example, Group X can schedule the conference room (the where) for a staff meeting on the second Monday in January (the when). Group X now has a single reservation with a single booking in EMS. If, however, Group X schedules the conference room (the where) for a staff meeting on the second Monday of each month for a calendar year (the when), then Group X now has a single reservation with twelve bookings in EMS.

A booking can have one or more booking details associated with it. Booking details are the resources or services that are needed for an event, the notes for the event, the activities for the event, the room charges for the event, or any combination of these. For example, for Group X’s staff meeting, the resources could include the requested catering (coffee service, bagels and muffins, and so on) and the A/V equipment (a projector, a speaker’s podium, and so on).