Format notes

  • Select the Home tab and then select the formatting you want like font, font size, BoldItalic, or Underline.

Highlight text

  • Select Highlight and select a color you want.

Create lists

  • Select Bullets or Numbering to create a list.

Indent text

  • Select Increase Indent to indent text.

Align notes

  • Select Paragraph Formatting to:

    • Align notes left, center, or right.

    • Add tags like ImportantQuestion, or Critical, and select them again to remove from your notes.

Apply styles

  • Select Styles to apply a HeadingPage TitleCitation, or Quote to your notes.

Clear formatting

  • Select Clear All Formatting to clear all text formatting.

Insert Link

  • Type the address you want into your page to automatically create a link, or select Insert > Link.

Source: Microsoft