Before you create a portfolio, take some time to set a goal for the portfolio and think about the story you want to tell. Create an outline of the points you want to highlight in your portfolio. And make sure that you have sufficient supporting material.

You'll use artifacts to add content to your personal portfolio. Artifacts link to items that are evidence of your work, knowledge, and skills. You can create artifacts before or during the portfolio creation process. If you have a good outline of what you want to accomplish, create your artifacts first.

When your artifacts are ready, create a shell for the portfolio. The shell includes a name and description. Use the description for your own organization. After you create the shell, build out the portfolio and add pages and content.

The process of creating a portfolio is easy:

  1. Create a portfolio.
  2. Add pages and artifacts.
  3. Design the appearance.
  4. Choose settings.

Create a Portfolio

On the My Portfolios page, select Create Portfolio.

The first time you create a portfolio, you have the option of taking a brief guided tour of the portfolio authoring canvas. If you choose to skip or replay the tour, you can access it later from the orientation bar. Choose the tour's compass icon next to help.

You can customize your portfolio's header and footer. After creation, select the pencil icon to edit the header and footer.

A portfolio consists of pages and sections. Pages provide structure to the portfolio. Each page must have at least one section.

The menu on the left shows all of the portfolio's pages and sections, which you can use to manage them. Select the plus icon at the top of the menu. To delete pages, select the trash can icon to the right of a page. Use the drag-and-drop function to rearrange pages and sections in the menu.