Educate users on how to get the most out of your company's Yammer network.

Profile settings

  1. Select Settings > Edit Settings to fill out your Yammer profile.

    Yammer automatically pulls in user info from your organization's directory.

  2. Complete at least 3 profile fields, such as About meExpertise, and Interests.

  3. Select Save.

Notification settings

  1. Select Settings > Notifications to set email preferences.

  2. Select the settings you want.

  3. Select Save.

Work with Groups and Search

  • Select Follow to connect with coworkers in a Group.

    This personalizes which groups and discussions you see on your Yammer feed.

  • Use Search to find experts, conversations, and files, and then select Join Group to stay informed and connected with your community.

  • Join your company's Yammer 101 group to ask questions and learn how Yammer helps you get work done.

Interact in a Group

  • Select Like to connect with a colleague and show that you agree with or enjoy their ideas.

  • Select Write a reply to respond to a coworker's message.

  • To write a post in a Group:

    1. Select Update to type a message and introduce yourself.

    2. @mention someone to loop them in.

    3. Select Post.

Use the Yammer mobile app

  1. Go to your device's app store.

  2. Search for "Microsoft Yammer" to download and install the app.

Source: Microsoft