See all your videos

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Stream.

  2. In the Stream navigation bar, go to My content > My videos.

    My videos

Search, filter and sort your videos

You can search for content right on the My videos page, the same way you do in browse. The search results will be scoped to the context of the page, in this case your videos.

You can also filter on the state (draft or published) and privacy settings (limted or companywide) of the video.

Additonally, you can sort your videos by a variety of different parameters, including relevance of search results, publish date, view count and more.

For example, if you want to see all the videos you have uploaded that are about sharing and have already been published, you can search for share, and in the filter, set the state to Published:

Filter videos

View filtered result

The example above returned three videos that contained the word share in their metadata. In this case, they were found in the video description and the autogenerated caption transcript. For more information on transcripts, see autogenerate captions.

Filter videos

Source: Microsoft